Breath tests are used very frequently by law enforcement to help them determine whether or not a driver they suspect of being under the influence actually is. While this is certainly a useful tool for getting potentially dangerous drivers off the road, there are many cases in which a false reading has led to innocent drivers being arrested. The information compiled here will answer some of the basic questions regarding the administration, results, issues with and defenses of breath tests in Nevada. While we strongly encourage any driver who has been charged with a DUI to seek experienced legal counsel, anyone who has been arrested for a DUI following what they feel were faulty breathalyzer results should contact an attorney immediately.
If you or someone that you care about has been charged with a DUI following a faulty breath test, you are not the first. Fortunately, this means that there are many cases in which the results of a faulty test get excluded from evidence and the charges are dropped. If you would like to speak to someone about the circumstances surrounding your DUI arrest, we invite you to contact our offices today. We offer free case evaluations and want to hear your side of the story.